Thursday, October 24, 2019

Online Examination Portal

INTRODUCTION About The Project The project, â€Å"Online Examination Portal† aims at creating a common platform for the college administration to conduct online (objective) examination for students of every semester of the institution on a regular basis or in regular intervals of time as desired by the administration. With this site, the institute can register and host online exams. Students can give exams and view their results. This site is an attempt to remove the existing flaws in the manual system of conducting exams.Purpose The client here, the college administration uses MS Excel, and maintains the student records, however it is not possible them to share the data from multiple system in multi user environment, there is lot of duplicate work, and chance of mistake. When the records are changed they need to update each and every excel file. There is no option to find and print previous saved records. There is no security; anybody can access any report and sensitive data, also no reports to summary report.This Online Examination Portal is used to overcome the entire problem which they are facing currently, and making complete atomization of manual system to computerized system. Students can give exam without the need of going to any physical destination. They can view the result instantly at the end of the examination session. Thus the purpose of the site is to provide a system that saves the efforts and time of both the institutes and the students.What is Online Examination Portal all about? Online Examination Portal is a web application that establishes a network between the institutes and the students. Institutes enter on the site the questions they want in the exam. These questions are displayed as a test to the eligible students. The answers given by the students are then evaluated and their score is calculated and saved. This score then can be accessed by the institutes to determine and evaluate their performance.

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